Excellent article, Jim. AI is certainly a new contributing factor to our biased minds. Our parents, educators, the media, and the world in general contribute. When I was growing up, the idea of a woman President of the United States seemed an impossibility. To younger women here, who have seen Hillary and Kamala at least make valiant runs for the office, their imagery is probably more flexible. (And of course, NZ has already had a woman in a similar position.) And everyone now can readily picture a Black President post-Obama. It is so interesting how we are influenced. AI garners these same influences and biases...from us. While we may envision a White man as a lawyer, there are more women (of all races) gaining law degrees in recent years than there are men. We can only hope that AI will learn to reflect these new realities. (I have no idea what an average bank manager looks like in this day and age!)